

时间:2021-01-20 10:59:10 查看:1206

不锈钢自动伸缩高压卷管器厂家--力山墨尼佩德机械(常州)有限公司是一家从事设计和生产各类卷管器(也称“卷盘”、“卷轴”、)的公司。Superreel品牌卷管器一直致力于设计和提供耐用,设计精美的卷管器。 我们提供数千种标准软管卷盘和电缆卷盘型号,我们的定制部门提供非标定制,可生产满足我们所服务多个行业的高质量卷盘。


不锈钢自动伸缩高压卷管器可用于不同的工作场所,例如农业,食品工业,屠宰场,鱼市场,乳制品厂,大型厨房,化学,石化和制药工业以及游泳池。 也适用于海洋应用中的沿海,近海和船上船舶,在这些环境中,盐水喷雾的恶劣环境需要使用不锈钢软管卷盘。 

Superreel团队期待未来。 我们努力与新行业合作,创造新技术,并继续为客户带来新的产品。

●Superreel produces a wide range of automatic hose reels in AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steel. They are mainly suitable for operations such as washing with water and detergents but some specific versions are also suitable for the passage of drinking water, compressed air or diesel fuel.

●AISI 316 stainless steel reels are suitable for shipbuilding and marine applications but they are also used in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries where a high corrosion resistance is required.

●Thanks to the high quality spring they allow the automatic rewinding of the hose and to stop it at the desired length.The swivel joints are specifically designed to ensure maximum fluid flow and are made of suitable materials for the various applications.

●Stainless steel hose reel can be used in different workplaces such as agro-food industries, slaughterhouses, fish markets, dairies, large kitchens, chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as pools. Also suitable for coastal,offshore and on-board ship in marine applications where the harsh environment of salt water spray requires the use of stainless hose reels.

需要更多卷管器产品信息,请致电 185 5109 0389 李工.